My mom may be Chinese, but she's a good mom as in a good person. There are things she has and then again things she doesn't- (me) I mean, do you wanna meet her? What did I get from her? Isn't it obvious? Also, I'm related to my dad's relatives.
The unspoken: some people don't even wanna be good, but my mom is not disagreeable. I like you all a lot for what you've offered, too, honestly- My mom isn't too annoying about silly things. I think she changed after my brother was born- Why is he a key figure in our family? Isn't he the side dish- whoops why'd I say that? It's just that it's using food as an example for us. My brother is just my worst fears. Should we dispose of them - no. What's wrong? Don't I appear put together in some way? Some way that isn't attached to my family. I'm not a baby. I'm either like a toddler or a tweenager.