Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Johnny Depp

Wow! I didn't know she wanted to be committed to him by marriage. I don't. I am a polybisensual. Wish he'd marry me into the family or I was a friend of Lily Rose, but you can tell I am older than her so maybe not but younger than her mom by a lot. Wouldn't anyone like to know them??

Does anyone know why they are together? Is it just for Johnny Depp's popularity like we thought with Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter? She looks too young to marry and too young to marry him. She's still like a kid almost or teenager.

I've already made a decision to be famous and if I were to meet lots of people and not get married nor have kids until I become too old for people to care about me, like 40, if I feel old enough, which I expect to dedicate myself to people who are not in my family, as well..

I know, though, like we're following the romantic lives of certain individuals in the public eye.

Also, we all can see the message that famous people think they will always feel as substantial and feel that they did the right thing and therefore seem to look as happy as before whereas all other people who are not famous don't.